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KYBELLA is a one-of-a-kind injectable designed to reduce excess fat below the chin and/or along the underside of the jawline. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for patients who are 18 and older, this revolutionary treatment can be a great alternative to liposuction of the neck for women and men seeking to diminish submental fullness – also known as a “double chin” – without the need for incisions, surgery, and/or extended downtime.

During treatment, an ultra-thin needle is used to meticulously inject the KYBELLA solution into targeted areas of submental fat that remain immune to both diet and exercise. Once administered, excess fat cells in the treatment region are gradually broken down and destroyed, eventually leaving the body via natural processes. Though some minor swelling and/or bruising may occur, these side effects can usually be concealed with makeup, and most patients are able to return to work and/or normal daily routines within 24 to 48 hours, if not sooner. A series of KYBELLA treatments may be necessary to achieve ideal results, but once the desired outcome has been attained, re-treatment is typically unnecessary as long as a relatively stable weight and healthy lifestyle is maintained.

Dr. Christopher P. Godek, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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